Angela Sanders
Advancing the Gospel. Equipping the Church.
My Christian testimony
I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe He died on the cross in obedience to my Heavenly Father for His glory and rose from the dead three days later so I could find salvation from sin and eternal life by grace through faith in Him. I responded to this Gospel by surrendering control of my life to Jesus when I was six with the help of my parents. In that instant, the Holy Spirit changed me into something brand new. I was baptized shortly thereafter to illustrate this regeneration to the world. When I was ten, the same Holy Spirit Who wooed me to repentance also called me to ministry.
It has been and continues to be my joy and profound privilege to combine my God-given communication skills with my spiritual gifts to serve Him in whatever capacity He chooses.
My husband Todd and I have been enthusiastic partners in life and ministry for over thirty years. He is my rock and very best friend. Our daughter Hope, son Hunter, and daughter-in-love Mackenzie are a constant source of support and inspiration to us. Their presence is an encouragement, and time with them is a gift! Our grandson Harrison is fresh motivation to leave a legacy of faith behind. Words can't describe the joy he has brought into our lives!
What I do
A Christian author, speaker, and ministry coach, I believe God has called me to communicate the truth found in His Word, the Bible, in a simple, accessible way for the advancement of His Kingdom and ultimate glory.
Nothing brings me more joy than using my writing skills to help people understand the Bible, apply it to their own lives, and respond to God in obedience.
I'm grateful for every opportunity to proclaim God's truth and help others find the freedom, peace, and purpose I've found by grace through faith in Jesus.
It's also my profound privilege to pass along what I've learned over the past 30+ years in ministry via traditional training and professional coaching opportunities.