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My (NEW) New Year’s Prayer


I’m late to the game in doing this, I know, but this morning, I decided to make a list of the ways that God has blessed and proven his faithfulness to me and my family in 2015 so I could be as specific as possible when thanking Him for it.  As I did, a verse came to mind, several verses, actually, but all related to this one.

“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” Matthew 25:29

(This passage was taken from the ‘Parable of the Bags of Gold,’ Matthew 25:14-30.)

I’ve spent the past week telling God what I hope 2016 will be like for me and my family, and, to be honest, most of what I’ve said has to do with what I want HIM to do for ME.  I’ve begged Him to continue as He has, to sustain, to bless, to protect, and to guide, but, the truth is, there’s no reason He should do any of those things if I don’t honor and obey Him by using the things that He has already provided for His glory and the building of His Kingdom.

So, my prayer for 2016 has changed a bit.

Father, by your grace, please continue to sustain, bless, protect, and guide me and my family as I give you reason to do so, using what you have already provided to glorify you over me and build your Kingdom over mine.  This year, I resolve anew to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and to worship you through my obedience to your Word and submission to your will.  Order my steps, keep my eyes fixed on you, and stir my heart for what stirs yours, Father, that you might find me faithful a year from now.  Amen.

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